Living Deeply

August 4th, 2009

Cape Cod Whale

[ photo by Lynn Nagel; poem by Lori Havrilla]




Living Deeply


Shall we live deeply
without drowning, without losing
ourselves in the dark, merky waters
of that which is our soul?


Shall we go to that place
which calls to each of us
when we take the time to close
our eyes, take a breath
and listen to the silence?


Do we dare to jump
off the cliff,
to dive, arms outstretched
heart forward, mind silent
and stilled, frozen in time?


Is it forward or backwards we go,
newly discovering or returning
to our destiny,
our hearts,
the depths of what we know
but have forgotten?


Does the depth have a bottom,
a net to catch us,
a hand to grab hold of,
or are we alone on this journey
of exploring the deep?


 Shall we live deeply
without drowning, without losing
ourselves in the dark, merky waters
of that which is our soul?




Note:  This poem was inspired by my good friend Lynn Nagel’s photo of a whale off the coast of Cape Cod.  While I’m not a photographer, I appreciate good pictures so very much.  Thanks for the inspiration soul sista.


Life is good!  Namaste.  –Lori

11 Responses to “Living Deeply”

  1. Oh, this is so beautiful! Truly beautiful words inspired by such an awesome picture. This really touched me. I just wrote a guest post on a friend’s blog that talked about how we live life on the surface, never going too deeply into the lives of others. So, this is very timely for me. Thank you so much for sharing this, it really touched me.

  2. Thanks Jay. I don’t write much poetry, but once in a while inspiration strikes. I read your guest blog about the song One. Very inspiring.

  3. Lori — This is a stunning poem. I love the imagery, the flow and how it grabs my soul and gives it a shake. This is my favorite stanza:

    Is it forward or backwards we go,
    newly discovering or returning
    to our destiny,
    our hearts,
    the depths of what we know
    but have forgotten?

    I like the idea of returning to what I’ve know but have forgotten:~) Also, it is a perfect compliment to the beautiful whale picture. Thank you for this:~)

  4. Sara – thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you liked the poem.

  5. I really like it. I think your poem asks us to reflect on whether we are frightened of the infinite. Are we leaping into a murky depth where we’ll drown or into new friendship? Yes.

    Hope the Bit Apple’s been fun.

  6. Yes, I really did take a little bite out of the Big Apple. Fun is the word.

  7. Fantastic Poem! Thank you for snagging me, it took hold for sure.
    Loved hearing about your trip to NY. So good to hear you enjoyed it! I was wondering if you were there when the plane crashed over the hudson?

    Well, Glad you are back safe and sound. Your blog site is very nice!

  8. Oh and one more thing. Thank you so very much for the fantastic words you use to bring my photos to life. You are amazing…
    My photos would not be half as great without your writings. You inspire me, girl! Together we just might take on the world. :>)

  9. It’s a mutual inspiration for sure.

  10. No sabia que fueras una tremenda poeta!!!!! me gustaria contactarte con un primo que tambien es poeta, vive en Colombia y escribe mucho en Ingles!!

  11. Gracias German. No soy poeta verdaderamente, pero trato escribir algo de mi corazon.

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